Mental Health Awareness Day!

On Friday 8th October 2021, we wore yellow to brighten up our day and show our friends they are not alone with their feelings. By wearing yellow, we raised awareness to our wellbeing and discussed how to manage our feelings that sometimes make us feel alone. By creating opportunities to discuss our thoughts and feelings, we also shared strategies in class on what makes us feel better. 
Some children said they like to talk to friends whilst some said they share with adults. Some children discussed that a joke makes them feel better or a friend trying to cheer them up. Sometimes we may need more help to make us feel better and that a trusted adult in school will be able to direct us to it. We also discussed available services, such as Childline, that support children.

We practised activities to raise our wellbeing. Some classes did some dancing and exercise, whilst others did some mindfulness colouring. We are all learning what works for us and that there is support. Sometimes it can be the little things that make a big difference! Say HELLO YELLOW! How will you brighten up someone’s day?

Talk to someone you trust, particularly a trusted adult, to help with any worries or feelings you are unsure of.